Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Soft Meats or Diapers: You Decide

The whole idea behind a registry is a little strange to me. When Kristen and I got married, we registered at a few places and ended up getting all of 3 things from it. (The fact that we didn't have a proper wedding may also have had something to do with it.)

In fact, we even had a couple of people ask us if we were going to have a wedding registry who ended up not even using it. Craziness, I tell you.

The reason I find the whole thing strange is that people (and I have to include the Chelis here) put stuff on their registry that they don't need in the least bit. Some things we have on there (I'm looking at you plush wiener schnitzel) are completely wonderful, yet also ridiculous. I mean, I'd love it if someone bought that for us, because it's so silly and I'm sure Barnabas (and Kristen) will have hours (minutes?) of fun playing with it, but I have to say that if it's not purchased off the list, we're not likely going to buy it ourselves.

There were things on there that we need (high chair, bathtub, bottles, etc), but much of it is just semi-expensive junk or frivolously ultra-cute. The scary thing is that Kristen pruned it down a lot. It used to be almost all silly stuff.

I really don't know what I'm saying. I like it all. I'd like to get it all. But if we don't, we'll either buy it ourselves or forget about it and live our lives no differently.

Except for the plush veal sausage. My god, do we need that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wiener schnitzel should never look this furry.