We held the party in the back patio of our building, and we had just enough chairs (with me and our friend J.-P. standing about most of the day) for everyone to sit down. For the most part, this summer has been great weather-wise (with only a few really hot days), and this was no exception. (I don't know if you can see it, but the deviled eggs are on the table there. I ate 2.)
Our friend Katia really did a bang-up job of organizing the shower, and here she is with her really cute daughter, Zoe. (Katia informed me that Barnabas will likely have to take Zoe to her senior prom 17 years from now, so I'm having Kristen start the designs on the corsage this weekend.)
Of course, there were two other little girls there, Lily and Eva, who will also have their eye on the monkey in the years to come. There will be some tears, I'm sure, but in the end, they'll all be great friends. At least on Facebook.
We got a lot of really nice gifts from everyone, and our friend Rob (whose wife, Jenny, just had a baby 10 days ago, sure to be Barnabas' best pal), took some pictures of them. Actually, he took all of the pictures (and well, too), but because he's an Art Director, he felt compelled to better compose all of the bags, boxes, packages, and ribbons on the gift table. Jenny just shook her head. That's what wives do, I think. Watch their husbands do silly things and then shake their head.
Either way, I think he did a great job.
So that's it.
And if you still haven't gotten your thank-you card, they're on their way. I'm serious. Really.
In the first photo, in fact, it looks like Kristen is preparing to shake her head at a silly-acting Raphe.
It was a lovely shower! I'm happy all the photos turned out.
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