Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tummy-to-Tummy Transfer

About 3 weeks ago, Kristen lost the ability to comfortably lie on her back. For all the things that her body is going through (and there are a lot), I empathize most with this. I don't sleep on my back myself, but it's still a very good position when reading or relaxing or getting into the sleep mode.

It's also the best position for a little bit of kitty snuggle.

Georgia loves to sleep on stomachs. When we go to bed, she'll usually jump up onto Kristen's gut. She'll get all cozy, start purring, and then fall asleep, usually with a paw or two on Kristen's chin (or, even better, she'll creep up a little and rest her own chin on hers).

Then, after about 15 minutes or so, after she's gotten herself as warm as she possibly can, she'll get up, walk to the pillow between our heads, and fall asleep there, lasting until around 5:30 in the morning. (We're hoping that Georgia will teach that to Barnabas quite quickly.)

However, last night, there was a difference. Kristen was on her side and her stomach wasn't available for snugglage (that's a new word and I'm working on trademarking it), so Georgia jumped on my stomach and fell asleep there. A revelation!

An aside: In the past we had attempted the extremely challenging tummy-to-tummy transfer (where a sleeping cat was surgically removed from one person's stomach area and slowly and gently placed onto another person's), but the success rate was extremely low (less than 5%). This procedure was quickly abandoned (really, let's let the cat sleep undisturbed), and I was relegated to not having any real "cute" time with Georgia.

So there I was, cat purring on stomach, curled up and ready to sleep. I was in heaven. But I looked over, and saw Kristen squirming away, unable to get comfortable, and I felt like a total heel, my own kitty pleasure trumping her terrible back pain.

Of course, 10 seconds later, she put her paws on my chin, and Kristen was quickly forgotten. I mean, really. What else would you expect?


Anonymous said...

Where is Cecil during all of this?

Raphe said...

All will be revealed about Cecil shortly. Long story short, that cat doesn't stop moving long enough to snuggle. He's a whirling dervish.