Friday, April 11, 2008

Sharks and Jets

I saw this article, and it really resonated with me. Kristen and I are dealing with the exact same thing with Barnabas. (Have you read it yet? It's short. Good.)

As many of you know, Kristen has allegiance to the Gangster Disciples, whereas I am firmly rooted with the Latin Kings' offshoot the Latin Stylers. And while you're likely asking yourself, "Why do they have to decide now? It won't be years until Barnabas can properly manipulate his tiny fingers into the proper gang hand symbols," choosing which gang has a serious deadline.

I mean, what Disciple would be caught dead in a red UPPAbaby stroller? And no Styler son of mine will ever put his delicate tush into a blue one!


Jen said...

I don't know why they didn't solve this the old fashioned way: Put your baby in a small playpen with two other gang babies representing the possible affiliations. Give your baby a switchblade. See who he cuts first--the gang baby that gets cut first is not the winning gang. At least that's what they say to do in the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is opening my eyes to a world of concerns about having a baby that I had never even begun to ponder! Granted, I have some pretty hulking biceps and Brian and I are in the same gang, but there's so much else to consider. God bless you two.

Anonymous said...

Whaddaya mean... you got something against blue?... and here I was thinking it would be a GREAT color... maybe you lean more to Green, White Orange... I'm thinking he may be more Black, Gold, Red... but then that's a horse of another color :))