Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Picking Bugs Out of Fur

When it comes to grooming, I was never an honors student. (Actually, when it came to actual school, I wasn't an honors student either, but I digress.) When I leave the house, I usually get two different reactions from Kristen.

1) Comb/brush your hair/teeth!


2) [looks me up and down] Sigh....

You see, while I'm not a slob on the level of, say, a hobo, I am not the spiffiest of dressers. I don't shave as often as I should. My clothes are usually wrinkled. I keep on wearing pairs of shoes long after they should've been thrown away. I accessorize not with necklaces or rings but with stains and holes.

This isn't a recent thing, either. My mother tells the story of how she often turned me around after I came downstairs ready for school wearing a striped shirt and plaid pants. In retrospect a definite no-no, but back then, I felt I was on the cutting edge of Paris young man couture!

But that's going to change with Barnabas. As soon as he's fashionably aware (I'll have to check with Dr. Spock to see exactly when that is), I'll be grooming myself like a real adult. I will comb my hair! I will shave every day! I will Zout religiously! I WILL TUCK IN MY SHIRT AT LEAST 50% OF THE TIME!

And if I happen to notice a little bug in his hair, I'll be sure to pick it out. Because that's the kind of father I'm going to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, Raphe, pastel t-shirts under white suits and sockless loafers a la Miami Vice are not what they used to be. Just throwing that out there.