Thursday, May 22, 2008

Aches and Pains (and did I mention aches?)

I finished painting the new office/guest room combination, and I have to tell you, I'm quite sore. I was able to do the first coat last night, and I touched up the edges and some spots this morning before going to work. True dedication on my part, if I don't say so myself, although my knees are killing me from getting up and down the ladder and squatting.

(It's times like this that I wish I was 2 years old again. Have you ever seen the toddler squat? They do it so effortlessly. It's like they see a bug/plant/shard of sharp glass and they immediately settle into their squat to do a more thorough examination. For me, that squat would involve several groans, at least one "help me get up", and cracks and pops of my knee, back, and ankle joints. Which was what happened the last two nights.)

I stopped in to get an English muffin at a local sandwich shop for breakfast, and the woman took one look at my pathetic tiredness and told me that I should take a nap. It was 8:22 in the morning. Never before has a complete stranger known me so well.

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